1975 CCC Plan approved by CA Voters

The original 1975 California Coastal Plan that Californians voted on in 1972 allowed for continued OHV recreation in the Pismo Dunes (Oceano Dunes) and identified expanding the area by increasing the acreage by adding in the Santa Maria Dunes to the park.

PAY ATTENTION: Not uncommon for a bait & switch in governance…promising the moon, then changing after they get what they want!!!

If you recall, one of the Coastal Commissioners during the March 2021 hearing held up this book and she claimed that it did not allow for OHV use…a bold face lie!
Notable areas of interest:

Page 11 – Off-Road recreational vehicles would be prohibited on the immediate beachfront, except at Pismo Beach in San Luis Obispo County…

Page 163 – (par 143); Off-road recreational vehicle (ORV) use in the Intertidal and oceanfront areas shall be permitted only In (a) that portion of Pismo Beach in San Luis Obispo County where such use is presently permitted and controlled by the California Department of Parks and Recreation, and (b) such other coastal areas where ORV use Is presently permitted and where all of the following standards are met: (1) the ORV use shall not adversely affect coastal plant or animal life, water quality, air quality, or other natural resources, and shall not conflict with other recreational uses; (2) the ORV use shall not result In noise levels that exceed 65 dBA at a distance of 50 feet from the noise source; (3) adequate support facilities shall be provided (e.g., rest rooms, holding tank dump stations, first aid facilities); and (4) a private operator or public agency shall assume responsibility for the management of the area to ensure that the ORV use Is limited to the area designated for such use, and that the area Is closed to ORV use if the above standards are not continually met.

Page 238: The beach south of Pismo has historically been used for camping and clamming. The advent of off-road vehicles and the Increase In the popularity of recreational vehicles over the last 10 years has heightened conflicts between preservation and recreational use.

Page 238: Other resources of the subregion Include… stabilized dunes planted with eucalyptus

Page 238: Plan policies detailed In the Map Notes envisage continued high recreational use for this area, Including expansion of recreational and commercial fishing facilities at Port San Luis, and acquisitions of public access and use areas, but with controls as necessary for resource protection.

MAP 37 Notes: Santa Maria Dunes, Pismo Beach. Add this dune area to the existing State Park for Intensive recreational use and the development of support facilities. Point Sal (Guadalupe Dunes)