Enter To Win This Custom Honda TRX 70 – 125cc
Winner Announcements will be via Social media!

100% of the proceeds go to protect our continued access for camping and OHV on the Oceano Dunes.
Access For All!
Each day the California Coastal Commission is closing more and more of the Oceano Dunes, one section at a time, with a plan to completely shut it down over the next 3 years. By entering to win this trailer, your dollars are going directly toward the legal fight to keep the dunes open.
Friends of Oceano Dunes is representing the offroad and recreation community by fighting against the California Coastal Commission in court. Friends of Oceano Dunes is a 501(c)(3) California Not-for-Profit Public Benefit Corporation, no salaries are paid, and they are a 100% Volunteer Organization. Every dollar counts!
Enter to win & help fight to keep the Oceano Dunes open!
About the TRX 125cc
That 70’s Shop has pulled out all the stops on their latest build and it could be yours.
TRX 70 Sweepstakes from That 70s Shop. OMF Bead Locks, 125CC motor from ATV Wholesale, Maier Plastics, MM Axle and Billet hubs/spacers, Showoff Motorsports power coating.
Best part, all of the proceeds raised for this one of kind ride go directly to the Friends of Oceano Dunes (FoOD) legal Fund.